Fuel and supplies at Sesriem

What you can get at Sesriem

Location: Namibia South West Africa


Sesriem Namibia

There is not that much in terms of supplies available at Sesriem but there is a fuel station and a shop selling basic supplies, best to bring all the food and drink you want with you.

Take everything out with you.

Sesriem Namibia

The desert is a very unique envoirnment and we hope you enjoy your experience visiting this most amazing place, and we ask you to leave no rubbish behind, part of the outstanding beauty of the place is the naturally clean clear atmosphere and things that would normally decompose quickly, like waste food etc do not break down in the exceptionally dry atmosphere, so please take all your rubbish away with you.

Also stick to the roads and don't go offroading in the desert, altough a seemingly harsh terrain the desert is a very delicate envoirnment, cart tracks from the early vortrekkers in the 1800's can still be clearly seen today in the sand! So lets keep the desert prestine for future visitors to enjoy.

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Sesriem Namibia